


A dictionary application that provides the user with definitions with examples, phonetics, synonyms and images.

A React.js project utilizing multiple APIs (one dictionary API, one image API) and some Bootstrap framework for the image gallery.

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Preview image of Tamika's Pittsburgh travel project.

Weather Forecast

A five day weather forecast application that gives you real time weather conditions and projects for several days.

This project was made using React.js utilizing a weather API for live weather information and Bootstrap framework for the layout.

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Preview image of Tamika's Pittsburgh travel project.

Travel Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh is a city I have enjoyed visiting for many years so it was the perfect choice for this travel destination themed project.

The point of this project was to make a responsive landing page with pure CSS grids, HTML tables and HTML embeds.

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Preview image of Tamika's Pittsburgh travel project.

Uplifting Haiku Generator

An entertaining way to brighten your day, this Uplifting Haiku Generator uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with an intergrated AI API to generate you a positive and affirming haiku style poem.

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Preview image of Tamika's Uplifting Haiku Generator app.

World Clock

Featuring three of my favorite locations from around the globe, the World Clock app allows you to check out what the current time is anywhere in the world.

This app utilizes HTML, CSS and Javascript while an integrated API allows us to see the current time from anywhere that we search for.

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Preview image of Tamika's World Clock project.